We have a publishing site in SharePoint 2013 using the traditional subsite hierarchical based navigation. When a new subsite is created it inherits permissions and is therefore set to allow anonymous access.
The problem is, despite the fact that the Welcome Page remains "unpublished", it is being displayed in search results for anonymous users. This is presumably due to the fact that the subsite is configured as anonymously accessible, even though the Welcome Page isn't (yet). The search result appears with a "/" path rather than the full path to the Welcome Page.
This is undesirable as content authors will typically create a new subsite and then work on that for a while before publishing all the pages.
Does anyone have any idea if there is a way of preventing this, or if this is just a bug? Essentially we don't want the subsite to show up in anonymous search results until the Welcome Page is published.
I realise we can get content managers to go into the site settings and turn off the search visibility for that site but they then have to remember to go and turn it back on again. They also won't see the pages showing up in search results when authenticated.
Thanks for any help with this.