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11 votes

Remove comma (thousands seperator) in number field without using calculated item

I added a JSON for the column formatting of the number column. Try the code below: { "$schema": "", "elmType": "div"...
panicdb's user avatar
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3 votes

Calculated column - extract only the number from alpha numeric string

If you know it is always going to be 3 Letters at the start and the length is always same you can use =INT(RIGHT(Column,9)).
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes

Enabling dashes (hyphens) in a number column in SharePoint

As Rodrigo has mentioned you cannot use hyphens on a number column. Another way is to create a single line of text column and use Input mask to force the user to enter value in certain format. Check ...
P S's user avatar
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1 vote

Number formatting

Assuming you have two columns named: Choice1 and Choice1. Then you can create a new Calculated column in your list and use below formula: =[Choice1]+[Choice1] Output: Microsoft official Reference: ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Add a seach box to an integer column in SP online list

As a supplement,per my test,the following modern column types have a filter search box: "Single line of text" and "Person or Group" The following classic column types also have a ...
Julie_MSFT's user avatar
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1 vote

Camel Query OrderBy not working for Decimal Number

Two Options! the function works properly but uses some strange string sorting on decimal values the function is not running at all, because the name in your FieldRef is propable wrong. I have ...
MP_89's user avatar
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1 vote

How to force a number field to keep zeros at the start?

I tried adding an out-of-the-box 'telephone number' field, Primary Phone, to a list, but it is a text field. So, I found this other post which deals with your issue. It seems there is no very simple ...
Tally's user avatar
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1 vote

Enabling dashes (hyphens) in a number column in SharePoint

You can't use hyphens on a number column (unless is a negative number). You should use a text column with a validation formula. For example, lets say you want to store a phone number with the format ...
Rodrigo Molinas's user avatar
1 vote

Remove comma (thousands seperator) in number field without using calculated item

I've just got same problem with commas in a number field. I checked MS Docs and found this: NumberFormatInfo.NumberGroupSeparator Property The initial value of this property is derived from the ...
Nazar's user avatar
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