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2 votes

Custom NewForm or EditForm

You can simply restructure the HTML table. Assuming the default layout is as follows: __________________________ |Field1| | |______|___________________| |Field2| ...
Daniel Stölzner's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint Designer - Hiding fields in a form unless specific condition is met

Open form in the browser and inspect the column. Each column has unique Guid and hide that column using Jquery. for example if the column has this id then ("#...
sam's user avatar
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2 votes

Set xsl variable using javascript function

If this is XSLT code running natively in the browser, then the XSLT code is executed to generate an HTML page which in this case contains a script element which contains some Javascript. That ...
Michael Kay's user avatar
2 votes

CQWP ItemStyle: how to display background of description with conditional formatting

If you do not wish to add style sheet as explain by @JJD then just update your item style sheet as below : <div class="description"> <xsl:attribute name="style"> <xsl:choose> ...
Bhaskar Dhone's user avatar
2 votes

How can I put an external link using xml/xslt

I fixed it. I put: <xsl:attribute name="href">http://<xsl:value-of select="marca/@pagina"/><xsl:attribute> and it worked.
Lordpascal's user avatar
1 vote

PDF document Icons missing in XSLT webpart

I have found that when I am using a .JPG file for the icon, it will display properly in Chrome and Edge, but not in IE. If I change it to a .GIF, then it will display in IE (11). In other words, if I ...
Bob Campbell's user avatar
1 vote

PDF document Icons missing in XSLT webpart

In SharePoint server 2016, Document Icons should be stored in hive 16: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\TEMPLATE\IMAGES . Try to browse the following address to ...
Julie_MSFT's user avatar
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I need XSLT to filter XML by passing node values with pipe symbol

In XSLT 3.0 this would simply be: <xsl:param name="allowed-elements" as="xs:string" required="yes"/> <xsl:variable name="filter" as="xs:string*" select="tokenize($allowed-...
Michael Kay's user avatar
1 vote

XSL Item Style in Content Query gets replaced by 'default' for visitors

Do you need to checkin and/or publish the ItemStyle.xsl file? Are there any non-standard permissions on the Style Library? Is the CQWP instance linking to a custom XSL file for ItemStyles? Has anyone ...
Keegatron's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to force the sharepoint RSS viewer web part to get the latest 5 RSS feed items

There is no way to get latest 5 RSS items in RSS viewer webpart. But from RSS feeds source should return latest feeds in XML.
Kaushal Khamar's user avatar
1 vote

CQWP ItemStyle: how to display background of description with conditional formatting

Are you using an xsl file? In that case it would be something like <div> <xsl:attribute name="class"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="(@RAG = 'red')">...
JJD's user avatar
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1 vote

How to add 1 day in Date using XSLT

In XSLT 2.0, xs:date(pubDate) + xs:dayTimeDuration('P1D') If you're stuck with XSLT 1.0, find out if your processor supports the EXSLT dates+times library module. If not, you'll probably have to ...
Michael Kay's user avatar
1 vote

remove ;# characters and number from xsl value (person /People group)- itemsyle.xsl

You need to specify XSLT 1.0 or 2.0: 2.0 makes this kind of thing much easier with the replace() function, which uses regular expressions. If you're stuck with XSLT 1.0, then try: normalize-space(...
Michael Kay's user avatar
1 vote

XSLT: Display choice field value

After a few hours of struggle I finally found the solution to my problem: <xsl:value-of select="@SlashColumn" /> this means that SharePoint is apparently contracting the internal name and ...
bash.d's user avatar
  • 229
1 vote

Customize displaying field in list view

Did you try this : 1-Display your library (Example: Shared Documents) 2-Click Settings and Library Settings 3-Click Advanced Settings 4-Check "Allow management of content types" and then OK 5-In the ...
Mathew's user avatar
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1 vote

My xslt doesn't work

Firstly, don't tell us that something "doesn't work". Tell us how it fails. Error message? Wrong output? Give us a clue! I don't know whether disable-output-escaping actually works in your particular ...
Michael Kay's user avatar
1 vote

Remove a section of a string in xsl

I have assigned value of the URL to $myUrl variable just for the explanation <xsl:variable name="myUrl"> <xsl:value-of select="'http://sitebuilder2/corporate/issues/Pages/issues/Pages/...
Prasanna Ruwangana's user avatar
1 vote

When I show Custom XSL date in my Web Part that time it showing one day added Date.?

Try to check Site Settings : Regional Settings , make sure that you are selected the correct time zone also check calendar type, where there's some calendar like Hijri calendar can add one day or ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint 2010 XSLT treating calculated column number as string which breaks ddwrt:Max

You should be able to change your variable definition to convert the string to a number first: <xsl:variable name="maxRightEdge" select="ddwrt:Max(number(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@...
theChrisKent's user avatar
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Content Query Web Part / XSLT Variable Name

After your above variable, add a second variable: <xsl:variable name="ReleaseDate"> <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(@ReleaseDate, 1033, 1)"/> </xsl:variable> I used ...
anonymous's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting hyperlink URL and description in custom XSLT with Content Query Web part

Something like this could work as well... Create two separate variables and use the following xslt functions to extract the link from the description: <xsl:variable name="ReadMoreLink"> ...
Larz's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting hyperlink URL and description in custom XSLT with Content Query Web part

Your first example of code just needs a slight change. You are using the internal name and need to use the XSL Field Name. Add "x005F_" before all "x0020" so your code will read: <xsl:value-of ...
anonymous's user avatar
  • 407
1 vote

XSLT or JSLink (which one to use?)

I know this is an old question but I want to share my experience. I just started learning XSL and already know Javascript (JSLink). While I start liking XSL more and more I still prefer JSLink ...
Sander's user avatar
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