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3 votes

Delete folder with subfolder and files from SharePoint Online with a Macintosh

If you or your admin knows PowerShell, you can use the SharePoint PNP library to delete the folder: #if not already installed #install-module sharepointpnppowershellonline #requires PS 4.0 or later....
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
2 votes

Delete folder with subfolder and files from SharePoint Online with a Macintosh

I found out for us where this error affects the Sharepoint Online web interface when we (admin) have an eDiscovery case open or litigation hold policy applied on the folder. It only happens on the web ...
Seng's user avatar
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1 vote

Connect a SharePoint online calendar using "Connect to Outlook" on IOS

I'm sorry, but the "Connect to Outlook" feature is not available on iOS devices. This feature is only available on Windows devices.
Xyza_MSFT's user avatar
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1 vote

Sync Sharepoint from Mac

Hi what I noticed is that if I open up the personal OneDrive Pill all the portals show up online under a company tab on the left. When I then hit the sync option from here the Documents can be synced ...
Richard's user avatar
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