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7 votes

How to embed Word and PDF documents in pages

Copy the address of a PDF file in a document library. (via the ellipsis) Go to a web part / wiki SharePoint page. Insert Web Part Media and Content > Page Viewer Web Part > Insert Edit web part keep ...
Chris G's user avatar
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5 votes

File:// hyperlink to a shared drive

I realize this is very late. The above did not work for me so this was my work around: Create a shortcut to the network file Upload the shortcut to a document library in the site it is being linked ...
Jessica Brennan's user avatar
4 votes

Browser freezing when pasting large data?

I tried to do the same as you (1000+ rows) and the behavior of the browser was exactly the same. After reading more carefully the documentation Software boundaries and limits for SharePoint 2013 I ...
Elitza Atanasova's user avatar
3 votes

PNP.js is not working in Internet Explorer. Am not using SPFx. Custom SharePoint page

Internet Explorer does not implement some of the ECMAScipt 6 types used in PnP.js. Because of this you need to use a couple ployfill libraries that implement the missing types. There are a few options ...
Rob Windsor's user avatar
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2 votes

Jquery code doesn't run in IE

I believe this is a IE issue. My experience with iframes is that you can't do anything with them in IE. Changing the src dynamically is hazardous to IE's health. We switched an entire company to ...
David Lozzi's user avatar
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IE hangs when I open a Document Library

You can try two things Open the I.E. In enterprise-mode(compatability-mode) Also disable the adds-ons. I.e SharePoint Export Database Launcher. You can start i.e. Using this command iexplore.exe -...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k
2 votes

Internet Explorer restricting webpage

Following thing you can do in order to fix this issue Add the website to the trusted site and Disable ActiveX Filtering for the Trusted Sites zone
Amit Kotha's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom 'Open in explorer' Button

You HTML code is correct <a href='#' onClick = "javascript:CoreInvoke('NavigateHttpFolder', 'http://sharepoint.local/sites/siteCollection/Style Library', '_blank');"> Open Style Library in ...
Bharat Khunti's user avatar
1 vote

Change background image dynamically in IE

We can use the code below to set SharePoint background image of the pages. You need modify the holBG in code to your image url. <script src="" type="...
LZ_MSFT's user avatar
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Internet Explorer restricting webpage

Add the intra site to a trusted site in Internet Explorer. See for example this link. Also see this related question: In what Security Zone should SharePoint Online (Office 365) be added?
helb's user avatar
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Only secure content is displayed message in IE browser of newform.aspx of my SPList in SPO

try add this site to Trusted (or Intranet) Zone in Internet Explorer, it should resolve this: In Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options, and then click the Security tab. In the Select ...
Zdeněk Vinduška's user avatar
1 vote

CSS's :hover selector works in Chrome but not IE

As per my comments, you can find out more information about what is happening by: Opening the Emulation tab in the developer console to determine the version of IE Opening the DOM Explorer tab and ...
Tiago Duarte's user avatar
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Custom 'Open in explorer' Button

Just solved my issue. As @Bharat said, there's nothing wrng with the javascript code. My site was added as an intranet site in IE settings, and the solution was to move my site to trusted sites: ...
Gintas K's user avatar
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Javascript not running in Sharepoint on IE

Careful using Console.log in IE. In IE, the log is only available if the dev tools (f12) are running. A quick solution is to check for the console object, and either not log if it's not available, or ...
Mike2500's user avatar
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Mapping SharePoint folder in Windows?

I wonder of those hundreds of webpages you have seen, If one of them was mine... You have to let the IE Browser do the authentication, because the connection is established by an ActiveX control (...
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar
1 vote

IE prompts SP site twice and renders error

I have the same problem (same message, same error page), and I noticed that the message appears 1 to 2 seconds after the mouse pointer hovers over the "modified by" or "created by" field. Reinstalling ...
Germain's user avatar
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1 vote

spcommon.png sprite / image - accidental drag and drop

Try to change your code by adding dinamically binding for new DOM elements with class .ms-newdocument-icon: $("body").on("dragstart", ".ms-newdocument-icon", function (event) { event.preventDefault(...
Semushin Dmitrii's user avatar
1 vote

Issue with IE Compatibility after updates

Always recommended to add the site to the trusted list. This need to be done only once and you are good to go with updates and no future issues. Another option is to force compatibility in the ...
Amal Hashim's user avatar
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1 vote

Error when exporting list to Excel by clicking Export to Excel

In case the above solution is not worked, try to Install Service Pack 2 for Office 2010 from Office 2010 Service Pack 2 .
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Error when exporting list to Excel by clicking Export to Excel

You need to install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support: Sources: To export a list, you must have a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible application. Export to Excel Not Working in ...
Juan Pablo Pussacq Laborde's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint compatibility issue in IE11

Are you using a console.log() JS command? I ran into this once where In IE 11, the console is not defined until you bring up the console and refresh the page. It will cause JS errors and the page will ...
alexander7567's user avatar
1 vote

Problem with Sharepoint Online and Documet Library Internet Explorer

Microsoft has removed support for older versions Of Internet explorer. So it only works if its IE 10 or above and Edge in case of Modern list and libraries experience. Differences between classic and ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

How to edit a redirecting page of SharePoint?

You can try this: if your URL is: http://abc/default.aspx, try adding ?contents=1 to that URL, so it reads: http://abc/default.aspx?contents=1 You can now remove the interfering webpart.
Michiel's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

File:// hyperlink to a shared drive This is the expected behavior in SharePoint Online. This issue occurs because the file:// protocol isn'...
Vincent's user avatar
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File:// hyperlink to a shared drive

One update to the answers here: server number ( is in place of the actual network drive name (S:). It sounds like a "so what?" type of correction but if the link to your network drive ...
FlyVapenPikk's user avatar
1 vote

File:// hyperlink to a shared drive

This is what we discovered: When you are posting a link to the file, make sure to make all slashes forward (/), spaces in %20 format, etc. So pretty much convert file path into URL. this is what is ...
Nikolai's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Open Library in Windows Explorer Error

In case you are using Windows Server 2016 and you want to connect to your SharePoint sites using the Explorer mode, there are big chances to encounter “We’re having a problem opening this location in ...
Rajesh Mohakud's user avatar
1 vote

The value of the property 'MSOTlPn_ShowToolPane2' is null or undefined, not a Function object

You only need to add your SharePoint page to the Internet Explorer 11 Compatibility View settings:
Ralph's user avatar
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1 vote

Fix "AddEventListener" error in IE11 without access to Master Pages

Facing the same issue, but I just realized that if you activate Enterprise mode in IE you can skip this issue. Hope that helps Regards
user73288's user avatar

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