I'm using "Collect Data From User" in a workflow to issue a task to a group. I need to be able to identify the member of the group who completed the task. The current solution is a People field in the Collect Data dialog, where the person who completes the task has to select their own name, even though they are already logged-in - this is extremely redundant and inefficient.
For a workflow attached to changes to tasks, the following just returns "System Account", as the system updates the status of the task before I can gain access to it...
[%Current Item:Modified By%]
A solution would be to access the "Modified By" field for the previous revision of the task, but I'm not aware of a way to achieve this from a workflow.
The following doesn't work either, as the current user is whoever created the list item that initiated the workflow...
[%Workflow Context:Current User%]
A workaround would be to use [Me] as the default for the People field in the dialog box, but People fields do not allow for defaults.
Is there any way of finding who approved a task by using a Sharepoint workflow? The workflow is created in Sharepoint Designer 2010.