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7 votes

Unable to get users from user profile for SHAREPOINT\system

System account is basically the Web application pool account user which you have passed during web application creation phase. You cannot find this user with account name "SharePoint\System" in User ...
Dikesh Gandhi's user avatar
6 votes

How to update a renamed Active Directory User in the SharePoint People Picker

To update the name in SharePoint People Picker and other lists, execute the following PowerShell Command: $web = (Get-SPSite https://Environment).rootweb $web | Set-SPUser -Identity "DOMAIN\username" ...
TempaC's user avatar
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5 votes

A user seemingly modified a document after their account was deactivated

I would look at possibly a workflow that she initiated before she left that had a next step that was triggered in July. I think I have seen this behavior in approval workflows before.
ghangas's user avatar
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4 votes

How to give External Users Access to Certain SubSites?

The subsites which should be allowed for the external users need to have unique permissions, meaning their permissions must not inherit from the parent site. To break the permission inheritance, ...
moe's user avatar
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3 votes

Username's skype status is showing "Presence unknown" on a site collection, while it is working well on the other site collections

Each SiteCollection stores information about users in the hidden User Information List. Your problem should exist in the SipAddress attribute of the user. You can confirm this with the following ...
MHeld's user avatar
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what happens to the records created by someone if their office 365 account is deleted?

Whatever happens to a user when you delete them from AD, or delete their profile, their username will always appear attached to documents written by them or against comments they've added within your ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert single user from windows classic to windows claims

Move-spuser is the good option as all of ur user migrated already. When you run move-spuser from old accounts to new account then it will update old user everywhere with new. https://sharepoint....
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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Disabling old domain users from Person Picker

The users from the old domain are still part of the site collection in something called User Information List. This list populates the people picker. You would have to delete the old users from the ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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Reuse already existing accounts in my new brand SP2016

Here you have two schools really. One says that you should keep your privates private, meaning you should have different accounts for different applications. SharePoint 2016 is a different application ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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2 votes

Everyone group doesn't include all my users from AD

We had same issue and as per our analysis we came to know that this is a LogonTokenService cache issue. We followed below steps in order to know. Did full user profile synch Wait for 24 hours to ...
Venkat Konjeti's user avatar
2 votes

People Search Not working

The crawl configuration is straight forward, but the User Profile Service has to be set up correctly. You indicate that there is "trouble listing profiles". What exactly do you mean? In the UPS you ...
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a way to create a new list item with other user using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace

You can simply use the EnsureUser method and pass the user's email address ([email protected]) or domain name (i:0#.w|domain\username) to it to resolve the user and then assign it to the author ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint 2016 - How do you bulk add users to a new user group without AD or PowerShell that are already has users in SharePoint?

You could just copy display names or email addresses of multiple users to the people picker field when adding users into one group in SharePoint 2016. It will resolve the users if the display names ...
Amy_MSFT's user avatar
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what happens to the records created by someone if their office 365 account is deleted?

The records will remain there, and they will still retain the Created By data along with any other user field data. The user's entry in the User Information List in the site will remain intact, it ...
Derek Gusoff's user avatar
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How to change SharePoint users domain

you have to use the move-spuser command to move the users from one domain to other. what you can do, create a CSV files which contains all ids Now create powershell script which loop through all ids ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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1 vote

How to allow access to external users with same email

For this we need to enable the external sharing for the site from SharePoint admin center, we need to follow the below steps to enable external sharing : Go to the Active sites page of the new ...
SP 2022's user avatar
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How to change SharePoint users domain

Just like Waqas said, you will have to use Move-SPUser. Just to add - You can use $farm.MigrateGroup($.oldlogin, $.newlogin) to migrate security AD groups. Scirpts you can have a look at https://www....
Jerry_MSFT's user avatar
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Creative User Names for Test/Dev Accounts

I always use the accounts from Contoso. The names are realistic and good to remember. Even for a non native english speaker like me. You can create the accounts automatically with the script from ...
MHeld's user avatar
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How does Content Search WebPart do the User.Name comparison? based on Account, Name or GUID? How to Re-Sync All users from Active Directory? To re-sync all user details, use this ...
Marko Tica's user avatar
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How to update user field, multi user field, taxonomy field & multi taxonomy fields using GRAPH

Take a look here: The answer: This works with people fields where the ...
Anthony Graglia's user avatar
1 vote

SP 2013 How do I return all fields from a list AND get the User/Title property in the same call?

Actually figured this out on my own...had to use: ...blah/items?$select=User/Title,*&$filter=(MyfilterOptions)&expand=User/Id
MattE's user avatar
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Delete Mutiple Users from a Sharepoint Group

Rest API Id parameter not available to set with multiple values, a workaround is to get the UserCollection in the group firstly and then put the user id in an array, loop the array to get user id and ...
Jerry's user avatar
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SharePoint User profiles loading from multiple domain

You have to adjust your People Picker settings for the web application. It appears that your trust is allowing the discovery of user accounts from both domains. If you have disabled the accounts in ...
Matthew McDermott's user avatar
1 vote

SPFx how to set a people field in a list, e.g. “convert” AccountName to Lookup ID?

A call to api/web/ensureuser using the SPHttpClient is needed. It ensures the requested user is loaded into the SharePoint site userinfo. Using the given AccountName like i:0#.f|membership|bob@...
Dennis Kuhn's user avatar
1 vote

How to add local users to a site collection in sharepoint2013, while server is in Workgroup

One way to interpret your question is that you are attempting to add local users and groups to your SharePoint 2010,2013 Farm's site. One may want to do this if they are creating an isolated ...
MRA's user avatar
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How to add local users to a site collection in sharepoint2013, while server is in Workgroup

What you are trying to do is not a supported scenario for a production system. SharePoint is specifically designed to run in a domain environment. "Things" will not work all over the place if only a ...
Greg W's user avatar
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