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15 votes

REST API - Retrieve Group Members

If you want to get all the users in your SharePoint site you can use : /_api/web/siteusers? Update: Try using below endpoint to get the Site Members from Members group: _api/Web/SiteGroups/...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
14 votes

How to delete O365 Team Sites

The link is hidden, and you'd have to type (copy paste it) to reach the delete site option. Navigate to _layouts/15/deleteweb.aspx in the site you want to delete (as owner). In your case it would be ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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7 votes

How to pull data from root level site and display in subsite using JSOM?

Get the root site url as shown below: var siteUrl = _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl; Get client context using that url as shown below: var context = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl); list = context....
Dikesh Gandhi's user avatar
6 votes

How to pull data from root level site and display in subsite using JSOM?

This could help var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var web = context.get_web(); var parentInfo = web.get_parentWeb(); var parentWeb = context....
Monica Jagani's user avatar
6 votes

Difference between list workflow and site workflow

A site workflow is associated to a site — not to a list, library, or content type Site workflows are not connected to lists or content types and that is the reason you can run site workflows anywhere ...
Rohit Waghela's user avatar
6 votes

Rest API to pull all list items that uses a unique Content Type under a specific URL

The best way to get all items belonging to a content type under a site collection would be to use the Search REST API. Since data will already be indexed, it is the fastest way to get items. You can ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
6 votes

SPFX and pnp/sp : How to get all sites

Using @pnp/sp framework, you can get the list of all site collections as below: Add the below import statement: import { sp, SearchQuery, SearchResults} from "@pnp/sp"; After that, ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
5 votes

What to do about sharing across departments, roles or people in SharePoint

My typical stance on this is that each department is it's own site collection. The root site of the site collection is comprised mainly of things the department wants to make available to both ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
5 votes

Difference between list workflow and site workflow

List workflow is to initiate workflow on any list event. Site workflows release workflow developers from requiring a list item or document item to run workflows against .In short the site workflow is ...
Amit Kotha's user avatar
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5 votes

office 365 sharepoint wiki page library not available

You need to activate "Wiki Page Home Page" feature from "Manage Site Features". Navigate to Communication site->Site settings->Manage site features->activate "Wiki Page Home Page" feature:
Lisa Chen MSFT's user avatar
5 votes

How to get SharePoint site usage report at individual user level?

Except for the M365 Audit log report, there is no data collected on a per user basis for SharePoint online. The Audit log report collects EVERYTHING about that user's activity, not just in SharePoint, ...
teylyn's user avatar
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4 votes

How to pull data from root level site and display in subsite using JSOM?

By using the following code you can get the root web : var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); this.oSite = clientContext.get_site(); this.oWebsite = this.oSite.get_rootWeb(); ...
SynozeN Technologies's user avatar
4 votes

/_layouts/15/closeconnection.aspx?signinasanotheruser=true (Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you.)

i think your URL is different then MSFT recommended. Please use the below mentioned URL then try it. http://testing:10020/_layouts/closeConnection.aspx?loginasanotheruser=true Read more about it ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k
4 votes

SPFX and pnp/sp : How to get all sites

Do you want all sites in the tenant, or just the sites the user has permissions to? You can use the search API to return a list of webs or site collections the user has access to. https://yourServer/...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference between site collection storage and site storage?

A Site Collection is a container of Sites. (The distinction is clearer for developers as the code objects are named SPSite (for a Site Collection) and SPWeb (for a Site). A Site Collection has a top ...
Mike Smith - MCT's user avatar
4 votes

New-PnPSite - Check if site is allready created?

You can use the Get-PnPTenantSite command to check if a site collection exists or not as below: $site = "" Try { Write-Host "Checking, if site already exists..." $site = Get-PnPTenantSite -...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
3 votes

How to delete O365 Team Sites

It looks like the question was answered but I want to offer another solution (may be newly exposed feature O365 Sharepoint). I too wanted to do the same thing but couldn't find option in normal place ...
Charlotte Codes's user avatar
3 votes

Migrate a SharePoint Site to a SharePoint Teams Site

there is no OOTB method available which will let you migrate a site to others. But still, you have a couple of options. Use any 3rd party tools which let you migrate the content along with metadata ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k
3 votes

Searching by a site column

In SharePoint online you must use the existing managed properties that are already available such as RefinableString01 and then you can use them in the refinement panel. while creating that in the ...
kesava's user avatar
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3 votes

Difference between list workflow and site workflow

But basically, list and library workflow can only run on a single item where site workflows are independent of a list entry. One major difference between list (or library) and site workflows is that ...
san's user avatar
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3 votes

ÅÄÖ in Site Design script

I solved it! Did it by adding -Encoding UTF-8 like this: Get-Content 'C:\PATH\Site Designs\poc_site_design.json' -Raw -Encoding UTF8 | Add-SPOSiteScript -Title "POC Site design"
Rich Jnsn's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make the main menu of a SharePoint modern site a dynamic site map?

Solution for 1st question: In SharePoint Online Modern Communication Sites, you can create a main menu with Nested links & sub-links and display the hierarchy in the form of a sitemap like shown ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Missing "Site Pages" Library

This feature must be active "Wiki Page Home Page" feature to have the sitepages enabled. Site-Level feature comes ...
san's user avatar
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2 votes

Moving/merging Team Sites

Regarding Merge site pages, This operation should be achieved manually by Opening the site page library with explorer. Copy the required site pages from the source site to destination site. ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Size of Sharepoint 2013 site

Solved it. In Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Storage Metrics, sites of site collection are shown in list. I found site that I was looking for and its size.
Danilo's user avatar
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2 votes

What to do about sharing across departments, roles or people in SharePoint

Why several bookmarks? Just have one SHarePoint Site and create different libraries for different department. Put permission on these different libraries. Ask users to go to the department(library) of ...
Ankit Kumar's user avatar
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2 votes

How to rename the sites directory in SharePoint 2013

Yes, you can achieve this via Powershell by using the following script to rename sub-site / site collection $site = Get-SPSite http://pc18:1818/sites/task1 $uri = New-Object System.Uri("http://pc18:...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

What do these different icons mean?

Those are the types of documents. I'm not sure about the first one, but the second one is either an HTML file or a link?
Cat's user avatar
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2 votes

how to create subsite with custom template using powershell script

This can be achieved using power shell and CSOM by following below steps . Once the custom template is uploaded into the solution gallery of the site collection execute the below commands in ...
Esaki's user avatar
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2 votes

Getting a list from every Subsite in a Site Collection - JavaScript

You run into trouble with your scope, The way you use tasklist is like a global (not in the Global scope but in the functions scope) But JSOM continues async so tasklist gets all different values ...
Danny '365CSI' Engelman's user avatar

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