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Add item to SP List that contains columns like PeoplePicker, ItemLookup using API

i have managed to get it working. short guidance The first problem was it was not getting data from one element of the Component and therefor it was failing. @Ganesh Sanap - thanks for pointing that ...
iAlucard's user avatar
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Add item to SP List that contains columns like PeoplePicker, ItemLookup using API

There are several points you need to check to rectify the error: make sure to pass integer values in the lookup columns object. Remove unnecessary unknown and number casting from your object. Instead ...
Dikesh Gandhi's user avatar
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Add item to SP List that contains columns like PeoplePicker, ItemLookup using API

Get like ListItemEntityTypeFullName here. const toAdd = { __metadata: { type: listItemEntityTypeFullName }, "Title": "test", "MyLookupId": 1 };
FredericDietrich's user avatar

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