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3 votes

Upload Attachment field to SharePoint

Following is jQuery example of attaching file via REST <input type="file" id="fileUpload1" /> <input type="submit" id="buttonClick" onClick="buttonSubmitClick()" /> <script type="...
Arsalan Adam Khatri's user avatar
2 votes

Issue uploading file from flow

When you will type FlowName.Run( in the formula bar in Power Apps, it will show you the required inputs and the sequence like below: Try passing the values in that format. Also, try using formula ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
2 votes

How to restrict uploading image by its file size and image resolution in SharePoint image library

First, the file size is not a supported field in the validation settings. Check also, THE SUPPORTED AND UNSUPPORTED COLUMNS IN SHAREPOINT CALCULATED COLUMN FORMULA AND LIST VALIDATION SETTINGS. ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Limit image size that can be uploaded

Unfortunately, there is no OOTB solution to can limit the uploaded file size for a specific library. Note: Max file upload size is defined on a web application scope in Central Administration > ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Image upload by REST api results in empty image (confirmed)

To upload an image or a file to SharePoint with Full rest you have to pass an array buffer not a base64 string. var getFile = getFileBuffer(v); getFile.done(function (arrayBuffer) { getFile.done(...
Marco's user avatar
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Adding images to wiki pages is very time-consuming task

Upload Word doc, then copy paste to Wiki Upload a Word doc to a document library, then use the in-browser Word editing app to copy and paste to a wiki page. The wiki page will show all the images. ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
1 vote

Limit image size that can be uploaded

You can limit the file size upload to SharePoint library by applying the below steps: Login with Farm Admin user on the central admin. 1 - Click on Application Management. 2 - Click on Manage Web ...
Mohamed Ragab's user avatar
1 vote

Upload Attachment field to SharePoint

For people who are reading in 2023, simple answer is just don't use multipart upload. SharePoint gets confused with multipart uploads. use simple upload if using retrofit with okhttp3
Vikash Sharma's user avatar
1 vote

Upload Attachment field to SharePoint

OK! After a lot of tries I finally could upload an attachment image file. The first thing to notice is that the attachment cannot be uploaded at the same time than the other info of the POST, so it's ...
raviolillo's user avatar

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