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8 votes

Can SQL be present on the same server as SharePoint 2016?

Yes its possible to have a single server SharePoint 2016 development Farm. The machine needs to have atleast 16 GB RAM available. The processor should be 64 bit and 4 cores. Also there needs to be 80 ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
7 votes

Can SQL be present on the same server as SharePoint 2016?

Yes, in a development environment it's quite common. But in acceptance test and production environment it's not recommended.
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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4 votes

Can SQL be present on the same server as SharePoint 2016?

Yes, you can. But this is not recommended on production environment.
Paweł Hawrylak's user avatar
2 votes

Can SQL be present on the same server as SharePoint 2016?

Yes, but it can be very hard to setup all the prerequisites correctly. I would strongly recommend you read Sahil Malik's book SharePoint 2013 Development Machine. Although the book is a version ...
Greg Thatcher's user avatar
2 votes

AutoSPInstaller alternatives for setting up SharePoint 2019 farm?

I have set up several SharePoint 2019 farms with AutoSPInstaller and everything worked well. I can confirm this bug, which can easily be resolved by a simple reboot: Script halted when creating root ...
MHeld's user avatar
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1 vote

Failed to create the configuration database - SharePoint 2019 Products Configuration Wizard

Please check again your permission on SQL and server where are you initialize SP Farm. Because as I see you DB for Central Administration created failed and Task configdb has failed with an unknown ...
Victor Buzin's user avatar
1 vote

AutoSPInstaller alternatives for setting up SharePoint 2019 farm?

+1 to what @MHeld answered. AutoSPInstaller is going to be supported in SP 2019. However, since you also wanted to know the alternatives to it, you can checkout SharePointDsc. It is a powershell ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

Export SharePoint configuration/setup

For comprehensive report as you mentioned, You need to use the 3rd party tool called SP DOCKit. Generate SharePoint documentation, analyze permissions & compare farms Create farm documentation ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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