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Service account confuse

You should register the following service accounts to the Managed Accounts: SharePoint Farm Account. SharePoint Web Application Pool Account. SharePoint Service Application Pool Account. Check also ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
3 votes

Sharepoint 2016 service account change

First, you need to create at least two domain accounts, one as a farm account and one for other services! List all services and application pools that run with your current account. Create Domain ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Change SharePoint 2013 Service Account

it is healthy practice to use separate accounts for services. As you mentioned you are running the farm with single account and we treat it as a Farm admin account which will run Central admin app ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k
2 votes

SQL service accounts keep getting Locked out

You can do troubleshooting by looking in Windows eventviewer. There is a category "Security". Please look for the Keywords Audit Failure. You might also use the tool Lockout Status to get more ...
MHeld's user avatar
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Service account in SharePoint?

For learning purpose, as a short answer: Yes you can use only one service account , but it's not recommended from a security perspective . I think you need to learn so it's a good chance to learn the ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

Credentials prompts after changing service account password

we are using negotiate kerberos authentication in sharepoint, changing the service account password some how removed the SPN's, again reconfigured the SPN for that service account and reconfigured the ...
karthik's user avatar
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Shall we use same service account on DR as Production

I would recommend to use separate accounts for different environments, especially when it comes to the security aspect. A dedicated service account should only possess the minimum necessary ...
Christoffer's user avatar
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How to create a service account for Power Automate flows

Service accounts to use in Power automate flows are like a normal user accounts only. However, it is recommended to use never expire password policy/settings for the service accounts so that no one ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Can we remove users' permission from SharePoint lists and libraries and interact with SharePoint using a service account

I don't think you can do what you want with Power Apps, but that's not my area of expertise. However, you could build a custom .NET application to do this. Here's the general process: Remove all ...
Rob Windsor's user avatar
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1 vote

SP2013 : after passage from http to https, search does not display results

Check your content source web application URL whether it is https or HTTP. If it is HTTP URL change it to https URL. Go to the CA -> search service application -> content source -> check the web ...
SP 2022's user avatar
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Login issues with the search service application, the crawler and the database

from the last 2 screen shot ( identity not translated), It is giving me the idea that you have the orphan account in your Manged account page or in Policy of web app or Search service administration ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k
1 vote

Credentials prompts after changing service account password

From the article SharePoint 2013: How to change all service account passwords, this is what should have happened. I'd suggest to restore the old password first, and then follow these steps exactly: ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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Unable to remove the Search Service Appln Pool from the service accounts Page in SP 2010

Managed account details are stored in the Configuration Database. You can use below powershell to remove Remove-SPManagedAccount -Identity DOMAIN\ServiceAcct
Amal Hashim's user avatar
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Is there any harm if i use the sharepoint farm account (managed account) to create site collections,lists, columns

When you create the site collection, you have two options either create via powershell or Central admin. for that you need a account which is part of farm admin group on the central admin, use that ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
  • 56.9k

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