BlobCache issues on SharePoint Server 2019 / Windows Server 2019
Ok I have finally found the root cause for this issue.
I believe this is a bug relating to either Windows Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2019, or a combination of the both.
Basically, the ...
BlobCache issues on SharePoint Server 2019 / Windows Server 2019
Good news! The July 2019 CU for SharePoint 2019 finally fixes this misbehaviour. Blob cache now works for SharePoint Server 2019 as it is supposed to.
Check the details:
How to prevent SharePoint 2013 caching static files in layouts folder?
I encountered this same problem in SharePoint 2016, and was finally able to resolve it by configuring output cache profiles.
Output Cache Profiles are applied at both the site collection level (by ...
AppFabric crashing on SharePoint 2013
If someone found this in 2019, like I did, here is the solution worked for me in SharePoint 2019, it's magic with partitionCount change in cofiguration: Distributed Cache service keeps crashing on ...
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