I'm trying to move one of our old spreadsheets onto MS Lists. There is a formula in there which is:


I've tried a few variations through the forums on here and can't spot what I might be doing wrong.

At the moment I am trying:

    , "0"
    , if([pH]<="6.4"
         , "1"
         , if([pH]>="6.5"
              , "2"

But not having much luck! any help would be appreciated.

2 Answers 2


Use Number column for [pH] and below formula for calculated column:



enter image description here

If [pH] is "Single line of text" column, use:


Please try to use this formula:



enter image description here

  • Is there any update on this thread? Comment here if you still need any help. Commented Oct 31, 2022 at 2:26

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