I am a little confused about Anonymous Access. At the site level, there are 3 options namely Entire Web, Lists and Libraries and Nothing. I have the following questions.
If I enable Anonymous Access for the Entire Web, can I turn it off at individual List / Library / Folder / File level?
If I enable Nothing option, can I turn it on for individual List / Library / Folder / File?
Since SP stores everything in Lists and Libraries, I am not sure what it means by saying Enable Anonymous Access only at the Lists and Libraries. So if we turn on Anonymous Access for Lists and Libraries only, how is it different from giving Anonymous Access to the Entire Site?
If I turn on Anonymous Access for a list / library, I can still turn it off for one or more list items / files in the list / library. Is this correct?
It I turn off Anonymous Access for a list / library, can I still turn it on for one or more list items / files in the list / library?
At the Web and the List level, we have AnonymousPermissionMask64 enum which indicates whether Anonymous access is enabled or not. But this property missing for List Item or File. Can anyone please explain this and also explain how to get the Anonymous Access for an individual item / file? How to check if a list item / file is anonymously accessible or not?
Even after turning on Anonymous Access on Lists and Libraries, I am being prompted for credentials if I try to access a list / library. Can you please help me with this?