I have created a new site collection of type enterprise wiki under sharepoint server 2016. now i by mistake enable the "Video and Rich Media" site collection feature. so immediately i click to Deactivate the feature,, but i am getting this error:-
"Cannot deactivate the feature because the Video Set content type is in use. "
so can anyone advice on this please?
EDIT now i try to re-create the scenario on brand new enterprise wiki site collection, and i have noted that after enabling the "Video and Rich Media" site collection feature, the following will happen:-
- The modified date for the following lists will changed (so seems these lists will get updated); "Images","Site Collection Images" & "Style Library".
- also the content type settings for the "Images" and "Site collection Images" lists will change, mainly the check boxes on which content types are available in the new form . and a new content type named "Document" will be added
here is the content type settings before enabling the "Video and Rich Media" site feature:-
and here is how it look like after enabling the "Video and Rich Media" site collection feature:-