My task is the create a replication of a live site collection on a pre production server after the move none of the site collection Content type or site columns are listed.

So far I have copied the content database of the live site manually into the pre production sql server

I created a site collection by running this command

stsadm -o createsiteinnewdb -url http://domain/sites/collection -owneremail [email protected] -ownerlogin fake\user_m -sitetemplate sts -title “Site Name” -databaseserver "SQLSERVER" -databasename “Intranet_TempDelete”

Then I deleted the database "Intranet_TempDelete"

And ran the command to attach the copied database

stsadm.exe -O addcontentdb -url http://domain/sites/collection -databasename WSS_Content_Collection

Is there a way to retreive these content type and columns?

  • I opened sharepoint manager 2007 and can see the all content types listed, they must not be associated.
    – mtoregan
    Commented Dec 6, 2012 at 13:32

1 Answer 1


I tried to create a new site column and got this error

The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070090)

I searched around and it was suggested that an IISRESET helps resolve this error.

I ran "iisreset" and the content types and site columns are now populated.

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