My task is the create a replication of a live site collection on a pre production server after the move none of the site collection Content type or site columns are listed.
So far I have copied the content database of the live site manually into the pre production sql server
I created a site collection by running this command
stsadm -o createsiteinnewdb -url http://domain/sites/collection -owneremail [email protected] -ownerlogin fake\user_m -sitetemplate sts -title “Site Name” -databaseserver "SQLSERVER" -databasename “Intranet_TempDelete”
Then I deleted the database "Intranet_TempDelete"
And ran the command to attach the copied database
stsadm.exe -O addcontentdb -url http://domain/sites/collection -databasename WSS_Content_Collection
Is there a way to retreive these content type and columns?