I have created two related lists. The first list is keeps track of specific meetings, with the following:

  • Name of meeting (Single Line Text)
  • Date of meeting (Date and Time)
  • Chair of meeting (Person)

The second list keeps track of meeting actions. Among other columns, each item in the action list contains a reference to the meeting the action was assigned in. I am able to use the lookup column feature to do this; I am also able to pull in the date of the meeting. However, it does not give me the option to pull in the meeting chair person.

I see that there are columns for Created and Modified which are people columns, but my specific Chairperson column does not come through.

Is there something I need to do differently to get the chairperson referenced on the view for the meeting actions?

  • Correction: Created and Modified are not people columns, they're date columns. You're thinking of Created By and Modified By, which, like Chairperson, are unavailable for selection as additional columns to show alongside a lookup column. Commented Dec 24, 2015 at 18:40

1 Answer 1


This is limitation. The additional fields cannot be of type Currency, Person, Lookup, Calculated, Custom Columns. See here for more information: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0753df63-8b30-4594-a8bd-ef8ba9514103/content-type-or-lists-lookup-column-cant-show-additional-fields-which-are-choice-or-lookup-columns?forum=sharepointgeneralprevious


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