I made a task list, and some tasks are assigned to multiple people. A document webpart gets a filter view, of a selected task in the task list.

When i add a new document to the document library, I'm asked to assign it to a project (i have to choose a lookup column pointing the task title)

So then i select a task and upload a document, so far it all works.

however besides the task title, I want to include the "assigned to" people (of the task list). So that i can include a [Me] filter on that field "Assigned To" inside the Document Library.

To see all documents of all the people who where assigned this task.

The problem here, when doing a lookup to a task list from a document library.

I can only see below columns but not Assigned To:

  • Task Name
  • %complete
  • Start Date
  • ID
  • Modified
  • Created
  • Version
  • Taskname (linked to item).

1 Answer 1


The Assigned To column is a Person or Group column, which is not supported to be used to create lookup column as what states in the documentation below: Create list relationships by using unique and lookup columns

As a workaround, you can create an extra Text column, apply a custom workflow or Event Receiver to copy the value of the Assigned To column to this Text column, then you will be able to lookup value from this Text column instead.

About how to copy list item in SharePoint Designer 2010 workflow:

Copy Item Workflow using SharePoint Designer 2010

Note :-

You don't have the copy item in the 2013 workflow engine, indeed. So you just need to choose the 2010 platform. That's where this above link will helps you.

  • Strangely i eventually got it working without the second column lookup. I use the task webpart to filter the document list, while in the document list i show all documents. Now ive changed the tasklist to My Tasks. Then that would automatically filter the my documents as well. (doing server side rendering of the doc library) But i give you the answer bonuse since i made use such a construct later.
    – Peter
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 11:26
  • Great than but my answer will also work for same...
    – Hardik
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 11:29
  • yes the reason i voted your answer :)
    – Peter
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 12:47
  • Please upvote as well... :)
    – Hardik
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 12:48
  • hm my reputation is to low for that here.
    – Peter
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 12:58

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