I made a task list, and some tasks are assigned to multiple people. A document webpart gets a filter view, of a selected task in the task list.
When i add a new document to the document library, I'm asked to assign it to a project (i have to choose a lookup column pointing the task title)
So then i select a task and upload a document, so far it all works.
however besides the task title, I want to include the "assigned to" people (of the task list). So that i can include a [Me] filter on that field "Assigned To" inside the Document Library.
To see all documents of all the people who where assigned this task.
The problem here, when doing a lookup to a task list from a document library.
I can only see below columns but not Assigned To:
- Task Name
- %complete
- Start Date
- ID
- Modified
- Created
- Version
- Taskname (linked to item).