I have queries that I will schedule to run daily to update a sharepoint list linked to an access database. The problem is any time these queries update the list, it logs modified by and modified date as myself and whenever the auto updates run. I want it to ignore when I update rows based on this automatic job though, because frontend users will enter in their comments in a "User Research" field, but my update queries will overwrite the modified by and modified date. We want to track who last modified the specific column in our sharepoint list "User Research". The solutions I have come up with are:
Create a new column that acts like the default "Modified By" and "Modified" columns in Sharepoint, but only applies to specific columns I select. This would show me who and when columns X, Y and Z were modified, rather than the entire record. Before someone says versioning as the solution, I worked around with that and not quite what I want. It needs to be two columns in my already existing list, who modified column x, and when they modified column x.
I could figure out how to run my update queries as a systemupdate rather than just a straight update which apparently updates the modified and modified by columns. I have seen the SpListItem.SystemUpdate method, but I'm not sure how to specify this in access.
I don't know how to implement any of the theoretical solutions I have listed though. Assistance is appreciated.