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Migrate Basic Authentication Web Application to Kerberos (2013 -> 2016)

I think you mix up two things: Authentication and SharePoint token-handling. Authentication is the first step and describes the process, how a user tells SharePoint who he is. Here you have NTLM, ...
MHeld's user avatar
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SharePoint Hybrid Search Setup - Issues with Kerberos 3-Tier Farm

I haven't tried Hybrid Search with kerberos, but I've successfully connected my farm to my SharePoint Online environment. It took a while and I had to add all the online-URL:s as trusted sites in ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
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How to change the NTLM to Kerberos authentication in SharePoint 2013

It is easy to configure but little tricky. You have to create the SPN for the web application url (Short & FQDN). setSPN –S HTTP/PORTAL DOMAIN\PortalAppPool setSPN –S HTTP/PORTAL.DOMAIN.COM ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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Authentication Looping connecting to SharePoint from Secure Network

If you can login to SharePoint from off of the network, like at your home, but the contractors are not able to login from their Secured Network / PCs, then you will need to engage with the ...
Josh McClanahan's user avatar
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Can authenticate through Negotiate with PowerShell but not with Java

You are missing several pieces from what I'm reading. You finish setting up SharePoint to use Kerberos. I'll try to keep this short. The original white paper on SharePoint and Kerberos is a 180 ...
Jack's user avatar
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Migrate Basic Authentication Web Application to Kerberos (2013 -> 2016)

research if there's a service account or service using Kerberos authentication to log into your server or if your sharepoint server requires kerberos authentication to delegate creadentials to ...
Mike's user avatar
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SSIS SharePoint List Source - MessageSecurityException HTTP request not authorized 401 on single site

It turns out, that this error occures when the user running visual studio has no permission to enter the SharePoint site on which the content to be read/written is stored. Visual Studio does not use ...
PhilFancy's user avatar
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Switching authentication provider

In this case, yes you have to migrate all users from ADFS to windows claims. As sharepoint treat both as a separate ids. You can also witness after switching the authentication, your user will get ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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Kerberos for multihop remoting powershell

Please have patience with me as this is my first 'answer' on stackexchange, but: I would like to share my solution using Constrained Powershell Endpoints as described on Technet. Basically it sets ...
TomR's user avatar
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