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Modify PeoplePicker to remove AD results and only show SAML Claims?

Use codeplex Custom Claim Provider then you can use the following script to hide however this will hide in entire farm. $cpm = Get-SPClaimProviderManager $ad = get-...
Supermode's user avatar
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Convert single user from windows classic to windows claims

Move-spuser is the good option as all of ur user migrated already. When you run move-spuser from old accounts to new account then it will update old user everywhere with new. https://sharepoint....
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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Site collection administrator created through CSOM cannot view site

Have you tried using web.EnsureUser(loginName) to add the user? Also, I stumbled on this other article that seems to be saying that if you are using claims, you do need to include the claims prefix ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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SharePoint 2016 User Profile Active Directory Import

When you configure the ADI with ADFS then Claim Provider Identifier and Claim Provider Type are set automatically, you dont need to manually set it. you just have to map the "Claim user identifier" ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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1 vote

Rollback from ADFS to Windows Claims?

You will need to use the Move-spuser command to loop through all the users and change their claim from i:05.t|ADFS40|[email protected] to the Windows Claim.
Josh McClanahan's user avatar
1 vote

Claim Based Authentication Error "The value is neither a claim user name nor a claim user name suffix"

I had the same issue and, in my case, using Edge / Chrome was the problem. On Internet Explorer I had no issues (http site). My scenario: SP: SharePoint Subscription SQL: SQL Server 2019 OS: ...
Marcos Nunes's user avatar
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Claim Based Authentication Error "The value is neither a claim user name nor a claim user name suffix"

I had the same issue today on a site with Kerberos authentication. It started after I extended the web app using Powershell. I saw the same errors in ULS logs as you mentioned. For some reason the ...
AshMSport's user avatar
1 vote

Have done database attach upgrade to new domain test lab and users are getting "this site is not shared" error

You should be able to run this command as Trevor points out above. Convert-SPWebApplication -Identity http://yourWebApplication -To Claims -From Legacy -RetainPermissions -Force Also when migrating ...
Shane Gib.'s user avatar

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