I am having a strange situation where I am not able to view a site collection as a site collection administrator. The catch is that I created the site collection admin through CSOM.
Steps to reproduce
- Create the site collection
Create the user with csom and assign
to the user.using (ClientContext clientContext = getClientContext((string)action["SiteCollectionUrl"])) { clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web); clientContext.Load(clientContext.Site); clientContext.Load(clientContext.Site.RootWeb); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); UserCreationInformation userCreationInfo = new UserCreationInformation(); userCreationInfo.LoginName = "mydomain\\owner3f3f152a7b39"; userCreationInfo.Title = "Fnowner3f3f152a7b39 Lnowner3f3f152a7b39"; User spUser = clientContext.Site.RootWeb.SiteUsers.Add(userCreationInfo); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); spUser.IsSiteAdmin = true; spUser.Update(); clientContext.Load(spUser); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); }
Log in as the user and navigate to the site and you will get "you do not have permission to access this site."
If I delete the user that I created from the users page: http://win-d9fm7ip9r36/sites/3f3f15-ec-10cd-4fd5-8973-11f297921cf1/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/_layouts/15/user.aspx
Then I recreate the user using the UI, it works fine.
I think the problem is with how I am creating the user.
When I create the user using my CSOM program, the user looks like this:
Account MYDOMAIN\owner3f3f152a7b39
Name Snowner3f3f152a7b39 Fnowner3f3f152a7b39
When I create the user from the UI, it looks like this:
Account i:0#.w|mydomain\owner3f3f152a7b39
Name Snowner3f3f152a7b39 Fnowner3f3f152a7b39
What am I missing? Why is the claims prefix not being added? Is that something we have to do manually?
In other words, should I have done this?
userCreationInfo.LoginName = "i:0#.w|mydomain\\owner3f3f152a7b39";