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Network Error (dns_server_failure)

I was using a proxy and that caused the error. So, check if you have a proxy in your internet explorer and remove it. This is when you are using the host file as dns.
Burre Ifort's user avatar
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SharePoint Server 2016 Web App - 401 Unauthorized

You should read up on msdn on how to setup SharePoint server. Could be several issues related to 401 errors. I would advise that you read:
Ali Jafer's user avatar
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Set-SPSiteUrl : Url {0} already in use!

It could be used in another content database. Check in which content database the site is created and check if it exists in other content databases.
Imir Hoxha's user avatar
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Could not rename this site collection. The URL specified is already in use

Try to do an backup-spsite and then remove the site, and finally restore it back. Use this code. It has worked for me. Modify the url parameters as needed and the path of the file. Backup-SPSite ...
Imir Hoxha's user avatar
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Could not rename this site collection. The URL specified is already in use

Can you check whether any site with same name is listed in SPDeletedSite? Use PowerShell script to see the list of deleted site ==>Get-SPDeletedSite If you can see the site with the same name,...
Amit Kotha's user avatar
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Access sharepoint from site

If your page is not on same server as of SharePoint then you can use CSOM to access SharePoint fromyour ( on different server) here!
Saira's user avatar
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