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6 votes

Provider Hosted APP with Azure & On-Premise Deployment Not able to take ClientContext

Provider hosted apps are divided into two different categories in terms of authentication mechanism. These are low-trust apps and high-trust apps, both use OAuth for authentication. Low ...
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
4 votes

Open docx file in Word (client) from hosted app (SP 2013)

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> window.location.href = "ms-word:ofe|u|"; </script> Try this.
Srini K's user avatar
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3 votes

How i can define 2 .tsx files where each file render a different text

First, regarding your second question: you should ask that as a separate question, because it is a separate question. Now, regarding your main question: At a guess I'd say what's probably happening is ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the risk and impact of enabling side loading of apps in o365 Teams?

You should not be side-loading apps for production use. That feature is intended for development use only. Instead, use your tenant's App Catalog. More info on side loading, make sure to read the ...
Derek Gusoff's user avatar
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2 votes

SharePoint Hosted App uploaded in App Catalog . App in Disabled Mode

If it's SharePoint 2013 or 2016 it'll generally take a minute or less. Two minutes at the most. If it's slower you should check to see if any of your servers is low on available memory. If it's ...
Rob Windsor's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the main differences between site definition and site templates?

The following is a clarity and brevity comparison between site definition and site templates Site Definitions Files are on disk, better performance. Highly customizable and extensible Can ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
2 votes

How do SharePoint-Hosted Apps authentication and authorization work?

SharePoint Hosted Apps is only about client-side: the cient authenticates directly against the server. There's no need for advanced authentication mechanism since there's no third-party involved. ...
Evariste's user avatar
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2 votes

How can we create timer job for SharePoint hosted apps?

As a short answer: No, it's not possible, Instead, you can implement a timer job on a provider-hosted application by creating a task scheduler to run a console application. In this case, The ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
1 vote

react-script-editor is not working for external users

From the error message, it seems that external users doesn't have permission to the Client Side Assets library in SharePoint App catalog site: https://***
Michael Han's user avatar
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Access Services and SharePoint Apps Config

Yes , in SharePoint 2013 to Access Services work we need to Configure App for SharePoint 2013 as these Access Services uses the new app model in SharePoint 2013. and to configure the App we need a ...
Esaki's user avatar
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1 vote

Create SharePoint App that pulls data from multiple sites that are in different Site Collections

Could you not use the SharePoint cross-domain library SP.RequestExecutor.js? If I am not mistaken, it's built for solving that exact problem. Here are some links to some resources about it.. https:/...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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1 vote

Create SharePoint App that pulls data from multiple sites that are in different Site Collections

Options: Use Server Side Object Model (SSOM). C#. Synchronous, very fast. Can only run from the SharePoint server Use Client Side Object Model (CSOM). C#. Asynchronous, much slower. Can run from ...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
1 vote

Create sharepoint online page with mixed webparts and custom development

If you are starting the web parts development for SharePoint online site better you can start with SharePoint Client Side web Parts (SharePoint Framework - SPFx). This can be built with all open ...
Venkat Konjeti's user avatar
1 vote

Can we build custom complex apps in Sharepoint Online?

I'd use provider hosted app, meaning that you build your application with whatever browser supported technology you like, and bake that into sharepoint Add-In. Depending on the data and amount of it, ...
Jussi Palo's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Access another Site Collection in Provider Hosted Apps

I see that you are using the App-only policy. Ensure that in the Appmanifest.xml, you have given write permission to the tenant. Check below screenshot.
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to add Items in SharePoint list using app model

You have defined a function alertit() which you have never invoked in your code. Either call it in the success callback of getUserName() or call it directly on document ready function as i see no ...
rjv91's user avatar
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1 vote

Office tools to develop sharepoint apps using Visual Studio 2010

You can get the Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio by searching for "office" in the Web Platform Installer. I should note that SharePoint 2010 does not support Apps (Add-Ins)
Rob Windsor's user avatar
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1 vote

SharePoint Provider hosted app with backend as sql server for CRUD operation

That is definitely possible. You can work with the data stored in database inside your provider hosted application just like you would from the "normal" asp mvc web application. Define your ...
Damjan Tomic's user avatar
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