good morning, is WebDAV still working on SharePoint subscription edition? Because when I clicked Open with Explorer it is trying to use OneDrive instead of the UNC path. i already added the site in Trusted Sites and used the IE compatibility mode. also i installed the webdav publishing feature on the server i tried this path \\DavWWWRoot\ too but unfortunatly still not working can you suggest a solution please or advice thank you in advance
1 Answer
I found the solution maybe it can help someone in the future :) (my environnement: windows server 2019, sharepoint server subscription edition)
Enable WebDAV Redirector Enable the WebClient Service to Automatic" Startup Type Enable the Portable Device Enumerator Service to Automatic Startup Type Disable WebDAV Authoring Rules on your site on the IIS try to connect from \\DavWWWRoot\