Because my SharePoint list has more than 5000 items and there is a problem with searching (after indexed columns, SharePoint search input show nothing). I'm trying to create a PowerApp for search in this sheet.

One of the column in the SharePoint List is LookUp, and items are stored in another List. This code below works good in my Power Apps search input txtSearch

    {itemDoda: txtSearch.Text},
        'ListAColumnName'.Value = itemDoda

But, is it possible to change this code to search in fulltext?

When I have item in the list roses are red and in txtSearch put only roses found nothing.

1 Answer 1


Try this:

    {itemDoda: txtSearch.Text},
        itemDoda in 'ListAColumnName'.Value

OR simply:

    IsBlankOrError(txtSearch.Text) || txtSearch.Text in 'ListAColumnName'.Value
  • in makes Delegation Warrning, not work correctly in large data sets.
    – Novice
    Commented Nov 3, 2022 at 11:15
  • How many items are in ListA? Also, in is not delegable function with SharePoint. But it fits for your requirements to search for full text. Commented Nov 3, 2022 at 12:47
  • ListA contains 5000+ items, thats why IN i cant use.
    – Novice
    Commented Nov 3, 2022 at 13:15
  • 1
    Oh ok. IN operator is not delegable so you cannot use full text search using it. However, StartsWith is delegable in SharePoint if you want to use it instead of IN operator. Check if it helps: powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Building-Power-Apps/… Commented Nov 3, 2022 at 14:10
  • 1
    when i put all items to Collections, for example 1000 items per 1 Collection and merge them. IN works. Thank you so much.
    – Novice
    Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 12:06

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