I am able to get all Managed Metadata Columns to show up by adding this to my Filter Category Definition:

<Category    Title="Managed Metadata Columns"    
             Description="Managed metadata of the documents"                 
             MoreLinkText="show more"
             LessLinkText="show fewer" />

The problem is that it shows all Managed Metadata columns in whatever order it wants. Is there a way for me to show only the columns I want and in the order I want in my refinement panel?

  • I've a couple of questions on this: (1) In the example, you've used "spshjobtitle" as the property you want to explicity include. But I cannot find an entry with this name in my Managed Metadata - indeed, this field is entitled "Job Title" in there. So how do I get the actual names I would need to use? (2) What I actually want to "explicity" include is teh "Ask Me About" column. Whats that called?
    – user12871
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 10:41

2 Answers 2


You can set the Title attribute value to the name of the field you'd like to display (spshjobtitle in the example below). Any managed properties explicitly listed this way aren't going to be included again in the generic Managed Metadata Columns category.

<Category   Title="spshjobtitle"    
        Description="Use this filter to restrict results to a specific job title"    
        MoreLinkText="show more"        
        LessLinkText="show fewer"/>

Refer to the Category [Refinement] article on MSDN.

  • To clarify: "You can set the Title attribute value to the name of a Managed Property corresponding to a field you'd like to display." See 'Metadata Properties' in your search service app for a list of them.
    – Daniel
    Commented Aug 14, 2012 at 22:05

To add to Vassili Altynikov's answer, if your site column name contains a space, replace the space with "x0020" (not "_x0020_"). Don't ask me why it was implemented this way, since most other places in SharePoint, spaces become "_x0020_", not "x0020".

See here: http://underthehood.ironworks.com/2011/05/sharepoint-2010-choose-your-managed-metadata-search-refinements.html

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