I have been trying whole day to configure search, set up the search service application, did a full crawl, had lots of internal errors and after a long day, did an iisreset and finally it was working. Hurray.

Now, my problem is that I want to show managed metadata as search refiners, but none are showing.

I found this post Managed metadata columns as search refiners but cannot find a tutorial on how to do it.

Can anyone help me?

[Update] Did the steps described in the first answer, but now came across a new problem. I can see the "Managed Metadata Columns" in the Filter, changed it to my column but still they are not appearing in the Search Refinement Panel.

<Category    Title="TopicMM"   
 Description="Managed metadata of the documents"    
Type="Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.TaxonomyFilterGenerator"    MetadataThreshold="3"   
MoreLinkText="show more"    
LessLinkText="show fewer" />  

[Update2] Silly of me. I forgot to uncheck the Default Configuration checkbox. Hope this helps others though.

1 Answer 1


Here are the steps you have to perform inorder to work.

  • Run Full Search Crawl.
  • On Search Admin page > under Queries and Results click Metadata Properties.
  • On the Metadata Property Mappings page click New Managed Property
  • Fill in the Property Name: NameofProperty
  • Under the Mappings to crawled properties click the button Add Mapping
  • In the dialog box, under Crawled property name type NameofProperty. Click Find. Select the crawled property ows_NameOfProperty(Text) and click OK.
  • Save the Metadata Property
  • Now that you have set up the Metadata Property, you need to perform a full crawl again. Follow the steps from earlier to do this.
  • Once the full crawl had completed, the way to check if it will work in a search it to navigate to your search center.

Complete steps on this link: Search Refiners with Managed Metadata

  • This did work partially. I can see the "Managed Metadata Columns" in the Filter xml, but they are still not appearing in the refinement panel. Commented Nov 4, 2014 at 3:12

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