When using _api/web/siteusers? I get a lot of usernames and email adresses.

With XPath I managed to filter them.

Then I realized that there were a huge amount of usernames and email adresses who don't have access to my page.

In SharePoint theREST API /_api/web/siteusers endpoint only provides the list of users has permission on current web.

How can I fetch the users who have the permission to use my Sharepoint page?

2 Answers 2


In case of you need to see permissions on the web you can simply

  • Navigate to the web permissions page (http://XXX/_layouts/15/user.aspx)

In case of you need to see permissions to particular site page try the following

  • Open site pages library
  • Select page
  • Click on Shared with - Advanced

to get permissions on SharePoint page by SP rest Api You may use the fallowing request:

.../_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('[RELATIVE URL OF PAGE]')?$expand=ListItemAllFields/RoleAssignments/Member,ListItemAllFields/RoleAssignments/RoleDefinitionBindings,ListItemAllFields/RoleAssignments/Member/Users

where the relative url of the page would of a page like: https://SomeSharepoint.sharepoint.com/sites/test2/SitePages/test1.aspx will be /sites/test2/SitePages/test1.aspx and the request would look like


Hope it helps


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