we're using SharePoint 2013 at the office, I am a backend developer in c# and know very little about SharePoint. I was tasked with building a form in SharePoint to capture data and then create a calendar event with that data. Like I said I have very little to no experience with SharePoint so any guidelines as to what SharePoint Apps I must use will be appreciated! detailed spec below:
It's basically an internal sales system of dead assets. Each asset uploaded must have the following properties:
- Name
- Asset number
- [Pictures] (upload)
- [documentation] (upload)
- comment
- Expiry Date (Links to the calendar and must display on home page calendar)
Only some users must be able to add new items to the list so I'm thinking some sort of data capture form with limited accessibility
All users must be able to go through a list of all assets and view pictures, documentation, etc...
The most important thing is the items (assets) showing on the calendar on the SharePoint home page
I don't expect anyone to do my job for me, I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Thank you all!