I've checked around a few other questions asked around this, but none have really applied to what I am looking for.
Using Sharepoint 2019 Online, we have a sheet that contains 12 different columns. What we want to do, is when someone puts in a number for "PO #" column, that "Date PO Issued" field automatically fill with todays date. This way we can avoid empty fields when accounting is entering info.
I've been toying with a few different calculated values, but none seem to be working. Is calculated value the place for this to be done? Can it even be done?
This is what I came up with for adding todays date
Then tried to add on that to depend on column 2, which is titled PO #. None of these seemed to be proper syntax
(IF([Column 2]="PO #",TEXT(NOW(),"mm/dd/yyyy"))
I appreciate it. Fairly new to administrating sharepoint, so still learning everything.