I want to add a SharePoint app inside our site, where from the SharePoint store i added the app, as follow:- enter image description here

  • then i received the following :- enter image description here

  • after that i requested the app:- enter image description here

  • but i am not sure how i can approve it >> i went to the app store, where i find the app request , but i am not sure how i can approve the app request:- enter image description here

  • i edit the app >> select Approved from the status list , as follow:- enter image description here

  • but still when i try to add the app i will get that it need to be approved, as follow:-

enter image description here

I am login using the office 365 admin and the office 365 admin does not have an email address..

1 Answer 1


I have tested with the exact same app and reproduced this issue.

It seems that changing the Status from Pending Permission to Approved doesn’t actually approve the request.

Here is my test process:

I send a second request and click the link in the request Email and redirect to the Approve or Reject App Request page same as in this document "Approve or deny requests" section.

enter image description here

The I click the Approve button on the page, it returns an error because there is a duplicated request item. The second request Status doesn’t get changed after submission, as you can see in the image below:

enter image description here

However, when I return to the SharePoint Store, I can see the message Your tenant administrator has to approve this app go away.

enter image description here

So my suggestion is, use a global admin account with a valid Exchange Online license to approve the request, directly from the email.

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