I have a list used for scheduling appointments. Each item in the list is an appointment date/time. Column A is a Number column indicating the total number of appointment slots, Column B is a calculated Lookup column that results in the total number of appointments that have been scheduled for that time. Finally, there's a Status column indicating whether or not the date/time is "Active" or "Full." A list item is "Active" when there are appointment slots available, and "Full" when there are none. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
Let's say there are 8 appointment slots available (Column A) on 10/12 at 9am and 3 appointments have been scheduled (Column B). I need a way to compare the value in Column B (3) to the value in Column A (8) and automatically set the Status of the item to "Full" once Column B reaches the limit set in Column A.
Can anyone share a way to get the value of the Lookup column (Column B) so that I can compare it to the value in Column A in a 2013 Workflow and set the Status accordingly?
I have tried having my current 2013 Workflow set a separate text field to the current item's Column B value to no avail. The text field is never set to the value in Column B.
Everything we have is on-prem, we don't have O365, so I don't have any of the newer functionality such as Microsoft Flows.
Thank you for any/all help.