I have to create an item at the end of my workflow. The list that will contain the item has a lookup column... So I'm using the option : "Create item" and setting the values one by one. But how can I set the value for the lookup column with the workflow current item link?
1 Answer
I am not sure if I get your question right.
If you need a current item url from the workflow, you need to open a dialog box for a value (button fx) and select:
Data source: Workflow Context
Field from source: Current Item URL
as in the example below:
Although, if you need to add this as a lookup column (providing the current url is a lookup value in another list), then you need to:
1. Create a calculated field with type of "Single line of text", in your lookup list and set the formula to:
=[Your Lookup Field]
2. In the bottom dialog from the example, select:
DataSource: Your Lookup List
Field from source: Your lookup field name
Find the List Item
Field: Your calculated field name
Value: fx
Lookup for Single line of text
Data source: Workflow Context
Field from source: Current Item Url
as in the example below (calculated field name: StringLookupValue):
Using this way, the data will contain the url ... is it possible to display the item name and make it contain the url instead?– n0r1sCommented Dec 12, 2013 at 8:57
It depends where you want to display this item. You can for example create a string workflow variable and set its value to: "WorkflowContext:CurrentItemUrl, CurrentItem:Title". That creates a url with a title (format: URL, TITLE). Then use the variable where you need.– tsapCommented Dec 12, 2013 at 11:26
yep it's ok i found the solution... the lookup field is based of a sharepoint list... In the workflow i can set the vaue of currentitem:ID lookup works with ID value :)– n0r1sCommented Dec 12, 2013 at 13:24