I have several libraries where I do not want to have Check in check out working. I went into Versioning settings and selected NO for required documents to check out before they can be edited and NO for require content approval for submitted items.
Even after doing the above config, if someone clicks on New to create a document in the library, once they save, SharePoint does not prompt for Metadata population at all, I have three mandatory choice columns and but the document gets checked out. The end users do not want that and I can't seem to figure why its not being disabled even after applying the config settings I mentioned above.
Also the site where libraries would reside, has sharepoint server publishing feature enabled. I also tried to make the columns non-mandatory but still it checks out the documents and please note that this appears only in a case if a file is dragged and dropped into a library or if someone clicks on New in the library. It works alright in case of upload.
In short, I just wanted to disable check in -check out completely and force users to populate the metadata if they click on New or drag a file in the library, if someone knows, please help.