We have been working on a new sharepoint office 365 project. where our customer have already added a single site collection inside the root url. and we have created 5 site collections and grant users the related permissions (Read or Contribute). but i have this concern regarding office 365 permission:-
Now how i can prevent the global admin or other sharepoint admins from accessing our site collections? as our customer have send us the username which we used to create site collections. which means that our customer already have a global admin and maybe other sharepoint admins. and these admins can access our site collections and do some customizations (by mistake), regardless of the permision we grant inside the site collections security groups.
so can i restrict accessing our site collections to only users we have granted them inside the security groups? currently on all the site collections i grant users/group-of-users either Read or Contribute. and i grant our admin full control. but the only concern is if there are other admins defined inside office 365 , then these admins can do everything they want. so can i restrict this ?