I'm building an infopath form to enter a request form for SharePoint 2013 (SP Online) using InfoPath 2013. There are different kinds of requests and corresponding questions (fields) related to those requests, each request type is created as a content type. All of those request content types in this example are also already attached to a list. Here's my dilemma:
I started designing InfoPath form by clicking on "Customize form" under List ribbon and noticed that the default content type fields were available as main data source and I could easily preview and test those fields in the form no problem. However, when I need to add additional fields to this form from other content types tied to this list I could only add them as read only repeating section. Is there a way to add fields from additional content types of the list when designing infopath form for this list?
Related thread I found online: http://community.office365.com/en-us/f/154/t/56163.aspx
There is no solution though in this thread and that's why I decided to open this up here.