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3 votes

SharePoint O365 CSOM Web Application with SSO Authentication Service Account

Instead of using a service account with username and password, would suggest that you connect and authenticate to SharePoint online by using Client Id and Secret according to this documentation. It ...
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
2 votes

How to authenticate to SharePoint Online (Office 365) using REST API when On-premise ADFS Sync to Office 365 cloud is enabled?

Here is an example, I've written "for fun" some time ago: The sample is on gitHub: It should work with or without ADFS. Instead of documentation, I've just connected to SharePoint Online via ...
Denis Molodtsov's user avatar
2 votes

How to authenticate to SharePoint Online (Office 365) using REST API when On-premise ADFS Sync to Office 365 cloud is enabled?

Here is a forum post that provides more details, and a PowerShell able to do this Login:
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
2 votes

Single Sign-On In Chrome & Other Browsers For O365

For Firefox, you need to configure the 'network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris' setting for the ADFS federation URL you are using. To do this, follow these steps: Enter 'about:config' in the URL ...
Andy Dawson's user avatar
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Send invitations to Outlook with ICS format from a SharePoint Calendar List

Maybe not a direct answer to your question, but maybe this will help you anyway and it might suffice in your scenario. If you have an event in a calendar list, you can simply call this URL (example ...
Anonymous's user avatar
2 votes

How to send an SSO SAML assertion to Sharepoint Online to get FedAuth and rtFa cookies?

I've also spent a lot of time trying to figuring this one out, so in case anyone reads this, this might help. Following the tutorial here the SAML message has to be wrapped in a SOAP message and then ...
Samya Daleh's user avatar
2 votes

How to generate FedAuth / RTFA cookies to make sharepoint online requests when using PingIdentity SSO

The simple way to connect to SharePoint Online is using .net CSOM SDK. You don't need to generate FedAuth and rtfa cookies. SharePointOnlineCredentials class which is provided as part of .net sdk is ...
sssreddy's user avatar
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2 votes

Authentication methods for SharePoint REST API

In order to achieve this access - we need to generate a client_id and client_secret from "" site and uses that code in "AAA" site while sending the data "BBB" site. There is ...
SP 2022's user avatar
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1 vote

Connect Sharepoint to java with PingFederate( SAML Authentication )

I am not a Java programmer but based on quick read it seems to be connecting to SharePoint Online. This will not work in your case. If I understand correctly you want to connect to SharePoint 2016 ...
sssreddy's user avatar
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How to send an SSO SAML assertion to Sharepoint Online to get FedAuth and rtFa cookies?

While following the tutorial here, I was also stuck at step 10. But I found the solution on that. Solution: Extract the saml:Assertion tag from the step 8 response. Then, instead of POSTing (step 8 ...
sagarg's user avatar
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Firefox SSO/NTLM auth to SharePoint Foundation 2013 Web app

Problem solved. I debugged the https protocol by fiddler and I found that when I was opening my web app authentication at first used Basic-auth then Windows auth. Windows auth was set up with two ...
Michał Dem's user avatar

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