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5 votes

SAML 2.0 Support in Sharepoint 2016

SharePoint 2016 does not support the SAML 2.0, you have to use the Saml 1.1, WS-Federation 1.1. SAML token-based authentication in SharePoint Server 2016 uses the SAML 1.1 protocol and the WS-...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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3 votes

Modify PeoplePicker to remove AD results and only show SAML Claims?

Use codeplex Custom Claim Provider then you can use the following script to hide however this will hide in entire farm. $cpm = Get-SPClaimProviderManager $ad = get-...
Supermode's user avatar
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2 votes

How to send an SSO SAML assertion to Sharepoint Online to get FedAuth and rtFa cookies?

I've also spent a lot of time trying to figuring this one out, so in case anyone reads this, this might help. Following the tutorial here the SAML message has to be wrapped in a SOAP message and then ...
Samya Daleh's user avatar
2 votes

SAML 2.0 Support in Sharepoint 2016

Of course it's possible. ADFS is so widely used across organizations, it would be strange if SharePoint 2016 don't support it. Here is the link to overview for all authentication options ...
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
2 votes

SharePoint 2016 + WAP + ADFS using SAML, make sense?

This scenario makes sense and it gives you more security. Why use WAP on-top of SharePoint & ADFS? Because it gives you a way of exposing your public SharePoint applications to the internet ...
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar
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1 vote

Use AD FS SAML token to authenticate with SharePoint 2019

SAML Token for on-premises SharePoint should be POSTed to https://server/_trust/ endpoint. Of course, the farm should be already configured for SAML authentication. Specifically, Body header should ...
lehuspohus's user avatar
1 vote

What the difference between these endpoint to authenticate RST2.srf vs extSTS.srf?

There are 2 flavors of authentication: one with a custom STS and one without (Using MSO STS only). The end goal is to retrieve the authentication cookie (SPOIDCRL cookie). The one with custom STS is ...
Emily Du - MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

How to send an SSO SAML assertion to Sharepoint Online to get FedAuth and rtFa cookies?

While following the tutorial here, I was also stuck at step 10. But I found the solution on that. Solution: Extract the saml:Assertion tag from the step 8 response. Then, instead of POSTing (step 8 ...
sagarg's user avatar
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