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11 votes

From where to use TokenHelper class for client context in SharePoint Online?

Just add the NuGet package AppForSharePointOnlineWebToolkit. It will add the TokenHelper.cs and SharePointContext.cs files to your project.
Lars Fastrup's user avatar
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8 votes

How to use SharePoint RESTful web services with Node.js?

It depends heavily on your requirements and on the app type you are going to build (web application or just console daemon, azure function, etc.). Does it require user context or not? Here are the ...
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
4 votes

How to allow authenticated cross-domain calls in an SP 2016 on-prem scenario?

Evantually we successfully used the URL Rewrite module, evaluating and inserting CORS headers when requests come in. This is happening outside SharePoint, as part of IIS request processing.
Heinrich Ulbricht's user avatar
4 votes

From where to use TokenHelper class for client context in SharePoint Online?

Make Sure that you installed Office developer Tools and SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK We don't need any external Reference for the SharePointContext.cs and TokenHelper.cs files. ...
TARUN's user avatar
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3 votes

Oauth Authentication for SharePoint REST API

As of this moment, access to SharePoint endpoint via Graph API is possible only through the beta endpoint. Your URL should be as below:
Gautam Sheth's user avatar
3 votes

How safe is SharePoint Online (Office 365) login?

From a home/personal Office 365 stand point, yes it would be similar to any other internet service that if your password is compromised, then someone can get into your tenant. However, any business ...
Eric Alexander's user avatar
2 votes

OAuth Authentication and Authorization to REST API from a Node.js Javascript program

For those who are still looking for the answer - consider sp-request nodejs module. It allows you to perform OAuth client credentials grant (in different terminilogy it's also called addin-only ...
Sergei Sergeev's user avatar
1 vote

External API compatibility with Custom connectors

Implicit Grant and Client Credentials Grant flows cannot be used to authenticate Custom Connectors. "Note that only Authorization Code Grant flows and On-Behalf-Of flows support refresh tokens (...
Callum Crowley's user avatar
1 vote

External API compatibility with Custom connectors

I asked the same questions months ago, and i found that the article of Wael Kdouh is very useful and detailed. You will find all the required details you need in order to build your custom connector ...
AIMEN BOULAHIA's user avatar
1 vote

Token based authentication in Sharepoint 2016

To access SharePoint 2016 Rest API through Postman, below are the steps: Step 1 – Get your SharePoint site’s FormDigest using Contextinfo call In Postman, the contextinfo endpoint URL for your ...
Michael Han's user avatar
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