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3 votes

Chart Web Part in SharePoint 2013 - Pie chart counting each task individually instead of grouping like tasks together?

I think you need to use a different approach. Try use CSOM to read the data from lists and Chart.js to create the graphs. Sample:
Juan Pablo Pussacq Laborde's user avatar
1 vote

Show charts inside my modern page

Quick chart web part in SharePoint can only show the simple data without allowing any grouping/calculation (for data as well as labels). So, you cannot achieve your above requirements using Quick ...
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Which lists are eligable for Quick charts

When you select Get data from a SharePoint list on this site option in quick charts web part, SharePoint retrieves lists from current site using below endpoint:
Ganesh Sanap - MVP's user avatar
1 vote

Using Count values in another function for my Chart.js Pie Chart

Yes, just move all the chart code (everything after your //End Data Pull comment) to be inside your onListItemsLoadSuccess function, after the three lines you already have there. Then you will be ...
Dylan Cristy's user avatar
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1 vote

Create Line Basic Chart using Highcharts.js SharePoint 2013

In your example DrawChart function contains a few issues: series: [{ name: itemdate, //<- itemdate undeclared data: itemamount //<-itemamount undeclared and it is expected to ...
Vadim Gremyachev's user avatar
1 vote

SharePoint Chart View WebPart : Sum the column

You can use Client Side Open Source Chart API to achieve your functionality. You need to fetch data client side and provide data in array or JSON format to chart function and bang your chart is ready ...
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
1 vote

Dynamic organizational chart

You can create List structure and add data into list from excel and the use Jquery Charts to achieve your organization charts. Step 1 : List Structure Method 1 : Flat Structure You can use single ...
Ankitkumar Malde's user avatar
1 vote

How do I configure a chart webpart?

Excel is a good option to analyse the progress of your tasks. To view tasks by status and by who the tasks are assigned to try the following: Create an excel pivot table by adding Assigned to (1) ...
HarryB's user avatar
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