How to actually use webhooks, GetChanges and GetListItemChangesSinceToken?
I have created a solution. I'm not 100% sure if it is a good one, but it works. It only works on SharePoint Online. The demo code below is run using tick directly on a SharePoint site in Chrome. I ...
How to get cookies after obtaining Azure AD access token to SharePoint Online
OAuth access tokens work only with SharePoint APIs (_api/*, client.svc). All CSOM requests go through the client.svc, that's why it works fine with adal access tokens. However, it will never work if ...
SPFx adal acquire token renewal failed
If possible, I recommend you to upgrade your solution to the latest SPFx 1.6 version and get rid of adal.js in your code. Read here more about the release and how to upgrade your solution.
Why I ...
react-aad-implicitflow works only in workbench
/SitePages/access_token= is not a valid URL which explains the error that you are getting. The return URL of your application should be set to the absolute URL of the page where the web part is ...
Access SharePoint Online data using ADAL js authentication
Some points:
It's really bad idea to store user credentials on client side (javascript) or transfer them from backed over http(s). Storing creds on client opens different potential security ...
Upgrade SPF'x to 1.6.0
I believe this post should answer your question Updating SPFX breaks gulp
Short story: 1.6 projects don't have a tslint.json in the config folder anymore, remove it.
How to get cookies after obtaining Azure AD access token to SharePoint Online
You do not need ADAL library if you are using SharePoint Online C# sdk. Install the nuget package 'AppForSharePointOnlineWebToolkit' and it should install TokenHelper.cs and sharepointcontext.cs. Add ...
Use HttpWebRequest with SharePoint Online and ADAL
If the CSOM works great perhaps it would be an idea to retrieve the file info using CSOM search. Once you have the path you'll be able to spin up the proper clientcontext :-)
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