I am having issues with ADAL login, so I grabbed the latest version of react-aad-implicitflow and tested it out. I modified the client id be the same I was using, deployed and tested a few environments.
Expected Behavior
I am expecting the sample to work on a modern & classic page the same as on the workbenches. So running on the local workbench and https://.../_layouts/15/workbench.aspx, I can signin and see the upcoming meetings.
Observed Behavior
However, when I switch to a modern page, I get a 400 - Bad Request Error, Invalid URL.
Here is the request that give the error: https://.../sites/dev-portal/SitePages/access_token={token}&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3599&state={guid}%7chttps%3a%2f%2fgraph.microsoft.com&session_state={guid}
I added a few variants in the redirect url:
- https://.../
- https://.../SitePages
- https://.../SitePages/ModernPage.aspx
- https://.../SitePages/
- https://.../_layouts/15/workbench.aspx
- https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench.html
I also tried changing the Home Page URL to those. Same issue.
What am I doing wrong, anyone able to have this working?