I'm developed a react webpart and try uploading a file to a Libraby. While i test it in the Workbensh it works perfectly. After deploying the webpart to SPO, it fails.
the setup of sp:
sp.setup({ spfxContext: this.props.controller.context });
then i get the file like this:
var files: HTMLInputElement = document.getElementById("fileUpload") as HTMLInputElement;
I've using this code for my first try: This thorw an 404 Error
this.props.controller.context.pageContext.web.serverRelativeUrl+ "/"+listName)
.files.add(file.name, file, true)
.then((data) =>{
alert("File uploaded sucessfully");
.catch((error) =>{
alert("Error is uploading "+error);
After them i tried this:
this.props.controller.GetRootFolderById(Guid.parse(listId)).then(fld => {
var folderId = fld.UniqueId;
console.log("FolderId: " + folderId);
var folder = sp.web.getFolderById(Guid.parse(folderId).toString());
folder.files.add(file.name, file, true).then(x => {
console.log("Progress ...");
UploadDocument.Me.setState({ waitHidden: true });
i get also the Error result:
body: ReadableStream
bodyUsed: false
headers: Headers
ok: false
redirected: false
status: 404
statusText: "Not Found"
type: "basic"
And this happens only if it is deployed, in workbench works both samples!
Can sombody help me to find a solution?
Regards Wilfried