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What is the best way to add JSLink inside form tag

I am trying to add JSLink insided for tag in my SharePoint Hosted App, Here is Form tag code <Form Type="NewForm" Name="{878B105CA-A7O8-7C28-HD7F-5B0DCBA7DSA}" SetupPath="pages\...
Mehul Sharma's user avatar
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Build a SharePoint online app that can create new lists

I'm new to building apps for SharePoint in Office 365. I'm pretty new as a developer as well. I do know that Apps are now called Add-ins, but I'm using Visual Studio and the projects are still named ...
spex5's user avatar
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How can I customize the list item and still have the ribbon

I am working on a Sharepoint hosted app and the whole application is created with the concept of SPA. I am using jquery, bootstrap, knockout, etc. to display the list item data. Is there any way to ...
Yiannis Stavrianos's user avatar
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Issue in Get List named With contains # using Rest Service API [duplicate]

I have a List named 'KKR Jobs #'. And I am try to Get that list in my Sharepoint Hosted App Using Rest Service Call Like var lName = 'KKR Jobs #'; executor.executeAsync( { url: ...
Vignesh amutha's user avatar
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Compare two int columns in a Sharepoint list

I´m doing a course catalog app for SharePoint. And I have a list called Courses. In that list I have two columns called: Seats and FreeSeats. When you make a new course the boss decide how many can ...
jacki's user avatar
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