How can i uncheck the option/setting "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item" in a publishing approval workflow of a pages library of publishing site.

I found other settings like Association.AutoStartChange=true; and Association.AutoStartCreate=true; but i am unable to uncheck this option through programatically.

Any idea ?

Thanks Purna

3 Answers 3


You need to get the association ID of the workflow and set following property to set it programmatically.



check this out:





Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the workflow instances based on this template can start automatically when the user attempts to approve publishing a major version of an item.

true if the workflow instances based on this template can start automatically when the user attempts to approve publishing a major version of an item; otherwise, false.

SPWorkflowTemplate template = web.WorkflowTemplates.GetTemplateByBaseID(new Guid("AB81DB45-4CDD-4650-80CD-6EFC53D2D9EC")); 
               template.AllowDefaultContentApproval = false; 

I suppose this workflow is a custom created workflow?

Try to see this post if it helps

This is how to edit using SPD


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