I need to send an email to users containing documents in a document library that lack necessary metadata. The list of items is generated using Microsoft Graph. The WebUrl property that Graph exposes leads directly to the item, but I need to link to the EditForm so the user can easily fill in the missing information.

I alreay tried a link of the format https://[tenant].sharepoint.com/sites/[Site]/[DocumentLibrary]/Forms/EditForm.aspx?id=[ID] as mentioned in older answers. On some sites it leads to an error page, on others it shows a broken version of the document library with all items missing. None of the links work. enter image description here

How can I link to the EditForm of a document?

1 Answer 1


In Form Link for SharePoint Edit/Display forms, Query string parameter for "ID" is case sensitive so use ID instead of "id"


  • 1
    That works! Such a simple fix... Thank you very much!
    – cescara
    Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 7:40

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