I am trying to create a document library with a python script.

I have tried doing it using Microsoft graph but I am having trouble doing with POST request and I didn't succeed.

I also tried doing so with the new O365 library but the library doesn't have any documentation so I've had trouble working with this library.

Anyway I would like some help with this, thanks for the help.😁

1 Answer 1


Please have a try below python script:

from config import config
from shareplum import Site
from shareplum import Office365
from shareplum.site import Version

# get data from configuration
username = config['sp_user']
password = config['sp_password']

authcookie = Office365('https://xxxxxx.sharepoint.com', username=username, password=password).GetCookies()

site = Site('https://xxxxxx.sharepoint.com/sites/sbdev/subtest01',version=Version.v365, authcookie=authcookie)

newlist=site.AddList('My New List', description='Great List!', template_id='Document Library')


The above refer to 'shareplum' library. And you can check the full code here:


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