so basically I have a library of nested folders and a column with a request approval button. I'd like to be able to hide the button for all folders and leave it visible for all files. I've tried a few things, but I'm really new to json and not having much luck.
"$schema": "",
"elmType": "button",
"customRowAction": {
"action": "executeFlow",
"actionParams": "{\"id\": \"\"}"
"attributes": {
"class": "ms-fontColor-themePrimary ms-fontColor-themeDarker--hover"
"style": {
"border": "none",
"cursor": "pointer",
"background-color": "#D5D5D5",
"color": "#000",
"padding": "4px 4px 4px 10px",
"border-radius": "5px"
"children": [
"elmType": "span",
"txtContent": "Request approval"